Sunday, November 8, 2009

SD O Gundam (Type A.C.D), SD Exia R2- Completed!

As promised, O Gundam is finally here! And well, Exia R2 joins in too. I gotta say that these 2 kits are really awesome, they are both "must-get" kits if you're a Double O fan.
Anyway, lets look at Exia R2 first!

Front view. Hmm... really cool looking guy. The GN-Sword Kai is just a awesome add-on ^^ And well, I think I like this more than the original Exia.

Rear view. The modified back skirts are pretty cool, and well, I think Bandai can do a better job for the burst GN-Drive O_O

As always, the awesome GN-Sword Kai can be transformed into its rifle mode....

And of course, its sword mode!

And well, if you're wondering where all the extra weapons which are from the original Exia trees gone to, they are being mounted to a plane, jet thingy. Pretty nice ^^

And what's even better, the unused GN-Drive can be stored underneath it. Smart heh, Bandai?

Finally, lets compare the R2 with the original Exia! Hmm.... there isn't much difference between them. But still, if you look very closely, there are some different parts, like the shoulder armour, back skirts, etc.
So yeah, that's for the R2, lets get to O Gundam now!

Ta-da! O Gundam looking as awesome as ever!

Front view. The GN-Feathers are amazing ^^

Rear view.

The beam pistol it comes with is pretty big. Too big for the mdel itself I think. But still, it's not too bad ^^

The shield is awesome, very nice looking. Heh... I still haven't painted the underside of it.

And of course, the kit also comes with a stand to mount its GN Feathers!
Well, that's it for O Gundam. Here comes some extra pictures I took while messing around with the kits.

"Hyahhh!!" R2 comes searching for O Gundam!

Ribbons retaliates but it seems that it's useless =O

Setsuna strikes but Ribbons ain't an idiot!

Still, Setusna owns with the help of his little jet thingy. Ribbons got no chance at all... heh.
And well, that's all for this post! Anyway, here's a little update on my SD RX-78-2 Gundam I got previously.

Cute ^^
So yeah, that's all for now, and with this last picture....

Till the next post!


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