Overall, a very nice kit. And well, I thought of buying the colours of it to paint, but I didnt and instead, I used stickers lol. I painted only a few spots. Gold for eyes, and grey for the underneath of the feet. There's more but I had forgotten.
Anyways, the Full Armour, is just the recolour of RX-78-2(I thinks its the RX-78-1 or maybe 3, i forgot) with armour that's different from the Perfect Gundam in some aspects. Also, I think the mask and G-Base it came with are not the official design. Bandai just love to give SDs some different stuffs.
It came with a beam saber, which is for the orignal Gundam.
Painted the dual barrel with chrome silver and the other with grey, how stupid am I heh?
But well, I add something to it. And well, the inspiration came from the Astrea Type-F and yeah, the mask has a shade to conceal its Gundam indentity!
I didn't like it at first, but soon, the more I look, the cooler it looks to me.
Its very easy to do it. Just cut a piece of paper (it'd be better to find clear plastic sheets) to the size and paste it to the back of the mask with tapes.
I took a normal A4 paper and the eyes could not be seen =( But still, I like this DIY mask very much =D
You have seen the Full Armour, but where's the Perfect?!
~Work in process~ Hehe
Anyways, thats about it, byebye!