MG Super Gundam- Get!
Thanks a lot to my cousin, I manage to get this old Master Grade kit! It was really kind and wonderful of him to give me such a huge gift during the Lunar New Year, and well, despite being a pretty old kit, the contents are still in perfect condition! ^^
Haha, and because of this kit, Kakuka Virsago's post might not be up so soon. But still, I will try to complete it as soon as possible. Hmm... there are too many kits waiting for me to be built and I do not have the time at all!
As soon as you open the huge box, you will get a lot of trees, a few dry and water decals and a very traditional instruction manual. ^^ Like many older Master Grade models, there will be a cardboard insert inside the box, showing a picture of the completed kit in all its glory!
As the kit includes parts for both the Gundam MK-II and the G-Defenser to form the Super Gundam, there are really a lot of trees and parts which also includes a huge polycap tree. ^^
Like all MG kits, the instruction manual have a very plain cover with the mecha's head printed on the front. There will also be several diroma showing the model and some painting guides. Other than that, older Master Grade kits' manuals have really odd instruction guides. There will usually be a column on the left of the manual, listing down all the parts to be build first which will be use later. However, they are all in Japanese and sometimes, I will try to figure what the guide is showing all about. O_O
Anyway, I had already completed the upper body of the MK-II and I got to say that I am pretty satisfied so far. The arms have great articulation and the cockpit opens up with no problem at all. So yeah, I will be working on the MK-II and Kakuka for now.
And lastly, thanks alot to my cousin again for this great gift! ^^
Till the next post people!
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