Sunday, December 27, 2009

How do I keep the boxes of my kits?

I don't throw the boxes of my gunpla after finishing the kit, instead, I keep them in plastic folders! The boxes takes up alot of space but I can't bear to throw them away. Therefore, I cut them and put them into folder like bags.
Here's how I do it!
First off, cut the corners of the cover box.

Then, fold the sides in and place all the accessories and stuff in it.

And lastly, slit it into a folder-like plastic bag and tape it up!

And as Sonsaku's box is small, the bag can store two SD kits! Saves plastic. ^^

After some folding and taping and all is done! ^^

And for bigger boxes with lots of acessories, only one folder can be used. =(
Some kits doesn't have much leftover parts or accesories (Eg. Sonsaku, Soldier Unit), therefore, you can place all those boxes in one folder. For example, 6 in 1 or even 8 in 1.
So yeap, that's all for this post. Hope this will help you guys in keeping your boxes.

She's coming!!
Till the next post!


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